The First
AdTech Platform

The Next Evolution in Display Advertising

The Next Evolution in Display Advertising

The Next Evolution in Display Advertising

The Next Evolution in Display Advertising

The Next Evolution in Display Advertising

The Next Evolution

The Next Evolution

The Next Evolution

The Next Evolution

in display advertising

in display advertising

in display advertising

in display advertising

Tired of wasting 45-95% of your ad spend on click fraud?

Tired of running display ads that yield minimal engagements?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

TransAd is the first results-driven AdTech platform that eliminates click fraud and increases ad engagement.

Your advertising can generate leads and conversions with the first In-Ad Landing Page™. Our patented technology enables you to create dynamic ads that function as landing pages to attract consumers without the need to redirect them to get the results you seek.

Advertisers have produced up to a 700% increase in ad engagements using TransAd.

Focus on What Matters:


Since the origin of display ads, ad spend ROI has focused on performance metrics such as CTR (click-through rate) and CPC (cost-per-click) . But click fraud and accidental clicks use up at least 45% of your ad spend, convoluting the accuracy of ad campaign performance.

What if your ad campaign ROI was measured in real customer engagement?

What if your ad spend went directly to capturing leads and generating sales rather than to clicks??

TransAd has you covered. Ads you create with our technology are fully interactive, fillable, and customizable. Each ad follows IAB standards and uses 2048 bit RSA encryption, which allows them to be distributed using all Demand Side Platforms (DSP).

With TransAd, that conflict disappears. Our In-Ad Landing page is fully interactive, fillable, and customizable. Consumers can even make purchases inside the ad.

It's All
About The

Bottom Line

You, the advertiser, should not have to worry about wasting your ad spend on age-old issues such as click fraud, and instead, should be confident in understanding how your ad campaigns impact your bottom line. With TransAd, you can capture more leads and increase your ad engagements today without increasing your ad budget.

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